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Marketing & Product Strategy Services

For Solution Vendors


Lighthouse Software Strategies is a strategic planning,  product management and marketing services consulting firm that takes an active role in building and implementing successful go-to-market,  sales enablement and product strategies for solution vendors of all sizes. Whether your business is a new start-up poised to create or dominate a market, or a global vendor that needs help driving targeted market or solution growth and execution, Lighthouse Software Strategies has the proven skills and experience to help you crush the competition. Think of it as renting a CSO and CMO rolled into one!


"Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something."

Thomas A. Edison


Don't just "get out of the box", let Lighthouse show you that the box doesn't exist! Stuck in a fragmented and competitive market?...let Lighthouse redefine your solution approach, market targeting and product footprint while uplevelling your value proposition with compelling new positioning and messaging. Mired in lengthy sales cycles?...let Lighthouse build winning use cases for sales that demonstrate clear differentiation and remove barriers before they arise. Pipeline full of opportunities that never close?...let Lighthouse build targeted campaigns that deliver higher quality leads in greater volume that move through the funnel successfully. Faced with a "me-too" solution perception in the market?...let Lighthouse help you establish and showcase your vision and thought leadership with brand identity enhancement, proven influencer strategies, blue ocean market approaches and clear compelling product marketing. 


Let Lighthouse navigate a course to explosive growth for your organization.



Market Strategy


Do you have a great solution but can't seem to get the market traction or growth rates you need? Or do you dominate in one or two areas, but find it's time to identify the next target market? Our market startegy approach will examine how your current strengths match up against market opportunities by business process area, industry and region, and prioritize your go-to-market focus to deliver results.


Turning a great startegy into sucessful execution requires compelling and differnetiating market positioning. Lighthouse will help you identify and position against C-level issues business objectives that have high value and committed budgets. And then stake out a thought leadership position with industry analysts and press.

Market Strategy
Sales Enablement


Do you have a sales funnel that is full of "Interesting converstions", but low close rates. Are your sales cycles too long and fragmented inside the customer? Let Lighthouse help provide the sales enablement tools your team needs to get to the decision maker and close the deal.


Our approach begins with strategic prospect targeting, idenfitying the compelling business issues and the value propositions that clearly articulate use cases and the ROI of your solution. With a combination of enterprise-class presentations, collateral, and concise qualification tools, you will grow your pipeline with higher quality opportunities that close quickly and increase your ASP.

Sales Enablement
Product Marketing


Telling a differentiating story, creating compelling product collateral, understanding the competition, providing marketing feedback and intelligence to the rest of the organization. It's difficult for many vendors to do all of these things well. Let Lighthouse solve product marketing issues, support new product growth and fill your product team gaps.


With deep experience in product messaging, competitive intelligence and FUD, and product management support, Lighthouse can help you align your highest level value proposiitons with product capabilites, development roadmaps and feature prioritization. We have also helped vendors enage with customers through advisory boards and user groups to drive increases in Net Promoter Scores for customer sastifaction. 

Product Marketing
Marketing Execution


Marketing owns responsibility for revenue delivery equally with sales. Is that your team's commitment? Marketing execution is where you put the strategies and go-to-market approaches into action. It starts with a comprehensive marketing plan, and drives all the way through demand generation to deal closure.


Every marketing dollar you spend should be part of a leveraged marketing plan that delivers value in multiple ways. Lighthouse can help you create the plan, build demand generation campaigns, successfully create and use web, digital and social marketing tools, and idenfity the right marketing performance metrics to monitor and adjust activities in real time.

Marketing Execution
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