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Results - Vendors

Skilled in providing leadership and vision in setting strategic direction and increasing market adoption.  With over twenty-five years of experience as a consultant, strategist, marketer, solution evangelist, and technologist, Lighthouse emphasizes global end-to-end solutions with a total market perspective.

Market Strategy


  • Led market research and strategic planning initiative to set overall business objecitives and align markets for startup software company.

  • Created new C-level positioning and messaging framework resulting in doubling of the number of Fortune 500 customers.

  • Rebranded solution suite and market positioning to refocus industry delivery and increase sales in targeted segments including SMB by 100%.

  • Led the development and delivery of enterprise application vendor’s first SaaS-based solution suite, which has become their fastest growing (70% revenue year over year) offering.

  • Created new solution suite strategy and plan for enterprise software company resulting in 300% growth in nuder 3 years for new offering.

  • Drove the market adoption of new solution categories: SRM, SLM, EAM.

Market Strategy
Sales Enablement


  • Developed compelling customer use cases to assist sales in clearly tieing solutoin value propositions to customer pains and business processes.

  • Defined new product packaging and pricing to simplify sales process and increase market penetration.

  • Created new value-focused product demonstration framework and messaging to increase competitive advantage and ensure short-listing in deals.

  • Conducted customer and market analysis on new product design opportunities and priorities including achievable market and time to revenue analysis to measure product development ROI.

  • Conducted competitive analysis and created differentiating value propositions and competitive positioning to disrupt competitors in deals.

Sales Enablement
Product Marketing


  • Designed and implemented new cross-functional product  management framework using Agile development methodology driving down costs/defects.

  • Defined new product packaging and pricing to simplify sales process and increase market penetration.

  • Designed product roadmap management process to balance customer feature requirements with market-leading new capabilities and competitive advantage while shortening  time to revenue.

  • Created new value-focused product demonstration framework and messaging to increase competitive advantage and ensure short-listing in deals.

  • Conducted customer and market analysis on new product design opportunities and priorities including achievable market and time to revenue analysis to measure product development ROI.

Product Marketing
Marketing Execution


  • Designed and executed the international roll-out of a new technology offering that created new visibility and demand for the company’s products, and set the stage for 50% first year revenue growth.

  • Developed and implemented new website design and messaging leading to 200% increase in web traffic, and 400% increas in qualfified leads.

  • Designed integrated marketing plans linking communications, product marketing, demand generation and social media to drive market visibility, thought leadership, pipeline growth and win rates.

  • Executed integrated global marketing plans to leverage common value propositions and messaging, while incorporating local content.

  • Restructured global marketing organization to more closely align with regional sales and services teams.

Marketing Execution
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